About Us

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb 13:8


he Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers’ Church emerged out of the spontaneous gospel revival among students of higher institutions in various parts of the country by the mid 1965s. In those successive years the revival broke throughout the country. Since then, the revival inundated the whole country the provincial towns, small towns and villages in the countryside. This brought the issue that the believers had to form unity on a national level and be organized as a denomination. In 1974, leaders from different places of the country came and agreed to be organized at a denominational level. Organizing the denomination had many advantages; among those are, it enabled to guard against false teaching/heresy/ and the other was to obtain recognition by the government and other denominations. Besides these, the unity had contributed in holding common understanding of doctrine, as well the believers were able to encourage and help one another during years of hardship. With the change of the government in Ethiopia came new chapter of the church. The national office of the church is established in Addis Ababa and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia accorded the church its full recognition on November 10, 1991 in accordance with the constitutional provision of the religious liberty and freedom of worship.


he Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers’ Church is an indigenous Pentecostal Church. The Church is one of the biggest among the Evangelical Churches in the country. At this moment it consists of more than three thousand six hundred eighty six (3686) local churches and eight thousand (8000) daughter churches serving with in forty one (41) regions. The members exceed 10 million. As a denomination the structure comprises of General assembly, Executive Committee, Head Office, Regional assembly, Regional Executive committee, Local Church, and daughter churches. The president oversees the activities of the Head Office and regional offices and local churches. The local Churches, based on their geographical proximity, form regions. They elect their regional Executive Committee and the committee members are members of the General Assembly. The General Assembly, made up of the national Executive Committee, Regional Executive Committee and representatives of youth and women ministry. The general assembly is the highest authorized body, which oversees the overall activities of the church, formulates the constitution and bylaws and passes on decisions. The Executive Committee works on the implementations of the decisions made by the General Assembly. The head office, with its departments of Evangelism and Church Growth and pastoral care, Theological College, the Development Organization, the Regional offices and the local churches accomplishes the vision, mission and purpose of the church.

1. Shared Vision of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church

To comprehend transformed society by the gospel of Jesus Christ, growing up skilled, healthy and productive and get out of poverty, committed to change and development.

2. Mission Statement of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church

  • Planting for believers in the power of the Holy Spirit for universal ministry and mobilizing for holistic changes.
  • Giving universal service so that the community can use its potential
  • Contributing to the physical, social, economic, and creative nature of the society
  • Working to ensure psychological and physical needs of the vulnerable marginalized group of the society and believers
  • Leading/managing sociology-economic activities to make sustainable and resilient community
  • Living for holiness through teaching by living according to the Holy Spirit and the early Pentecostal divinity teachings
  • Fighting and working to avoid social exclusions or discrimination’s

3. Purpose of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church

  1. Preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Mark 16; 15)
  2. Making disciples who are baptized in the Holy Spirit who believe in the gospel. (Matt. 28: 19)
  3. Perform activities to provide comprehensive service (James 1: 2626)

4. Values of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Church

The Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church is committed for the following values as a foundation:

1. Loving– Everything that is done without true love is futile, because God is love that everyone should have love for God, for his friends, and even for those who hate him (I Cor. 13 Matt. 22: 35-40).

2. Unity/Synergy: The Lord Jesus Christ prayed for the unity of the Church today. All worship and service without the unity of spirit and heart have no effect. Therefore, the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church believes in the unity of believers, evangelical churches and teaches this (John 17: 21, 21; Eph). I Corinthians 12 ;4-31; Phil 2.11-10 Acts 9 : 31; Acts 2 : 4)

3. Universal Service: the physical, social and spiritual of human beingsServe to meet needs (Luke 2:52; James 1: 27).

4. Early Pentecostalism: The Pentecostalism as prophesied by the prophet Joel from the early church, as evidenced by the book of Acts. It is a sacred practice that has been in the lives of believers ever since. Therefore, first and foremost to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and she admit that the sign is to speak in tongues (Acts 10, 44-45 (Acts 19: 1).

5. Holiness: holiness is a sign that we are dedicated to God. It is impossible to see and enjoy. Therefore, Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer Church believes that believers must be dedicated in all thoughts and actions. (Colossians 3: 5-10; I Peter 1: 1515; Hebrews 12: 14); Galatians 5: 22)

6. Partnership: The kingdom of God is one kingdomThe Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church appeared in every form and language of the born-again believer. Respectfully, regardless of geography; from the other sharing and supporting the gospel of Christ with the community and she believes based on (Ephesians 1: 4; Ephesians 4:1; 1 Corinthians 12: 14: 14-31; Romans 15: 26: 26-27).

7. Fasting and Prayer: She received the power of the Holy Spirit to help them. When the Church began preaching Gospel, God did many wonderful things. She endured persecution and suffering through fasting and prayer. Therefore Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church became a special place for fasting and prayer according to (Acts 1; 14; 2; Acts 4; 29) that she values it.

8. Ministry of Service: The Lord Jesus Christ said,Let him teach, as he said, and teach in his ministry Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church. Every servant should have the heart of ministry, following the example of Christ and she believes and deserves it (John 13: 13); Mark 10:44 – 45; Philippians 2: 1)

9. Righteousness and Justice: Justices are the foundations of the Kingdom of Christ in Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church, works to make righteousness and Justice for all mankind based on (Matthew 5: 20; Luke 3)

10. Loyalty: We believe in biblical devotion, soundness of mind, and morality.

11. Accountability: The quality of work and communication at all levels of the Church is exemplary and we emphasize accountability by believing that it exists according to (Exodus 18, 19-21).

12. Transcendence:Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church believes that everything is naked and exposed before the eyes of God. The work that the church does in God’s house is clear. She believed in Him (John 3: 20), II Corinthians 4: 2, 2, 13).

13. Excellency; the ultimate goal of the mission is to make believers Disciples of Christ. Education is also important for making disciples and the theological study to help believers grow into Christ likeness. It is important to provide quality, supportive education. Therefore,we struggle to maintain academic excellence by providing quality of education based on (Matthew 28: 19-20)

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